How to Melt Chocolate
Place unwrapped chocolate squares in microwaveable bowl. Microwave on HIGH 2-1/2 min. or until chocolate is completely melted, stirring every 30 sec.
How to Easily Dip Truffles
To easily coat truffles with the melted chocolate, add truffles, in batches, to bowl of melted chocolate. Use 2 forks to roll truffles in chocolate until evenly coated. Remove truffles with forks, letting excess chocolate drip back into bowl. Place truffles on prepared baking sheet; let stand until firm.
How to Store
Store in tightly covered container in refrigerator.
The Correlation is:
This recipe has Three very simple steps. The gospel has Five simple steps that lead to a far better outcome than does this recipe. Do you want to know how to get the same wonderful results from the gospel that you can from following the recipe for oreo truffles?! I'm going to share the recipe for the gospel and eternal joy with you. We must:
1) Have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ- This is so important, because Jesus is the only way to have the rest. He is our Savior. He paid the price for our sins to make this plan possible. As we gain faith in his it will lead us to the next step in the recipe.
2) Repentance- This is taking care of the things we have done wrong. This step has a few steps within it. Here they are.
- Recognize that we made a mistake.
- Feel Godly sorrow. (Actually feel bad that we did something wrong and not just that we got caught doing something wrong.) Pray and ask for forgiveness.
- Ask for forgiveness from the one that we hurt.
- Do everything we can to make it right.
- Never do it again.
3) Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins- We need to enter into a two-way promise with Heavenly Father. We promise that we are willing to take Jesus Christ's name upon us, always remember Jesus, and always keep the commandments. Heavenly Father in return promises us that we may always have his spirit to be with us, and that we may have a complete remission of sins. These are amazing promises. We can have all of our guilt washed away and we can be completely perfect and clean.4) Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost- We may have the constant companionship of the holy ghost to help us make righteous choices.
5) Endure to the End- We must continue to do the things that we know are right.
If we will but follow these Five simple steps we WILL have the end result of joy now and through-out eternity. This recipe cannot be messed up. I know from experience that as we follow this gospel recipe we can have joy we never knew was possible. I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ, loves us and is the key to this recipe. Without Him there would be no recipe, but He has paid the price and we can follow this recipe and return to live eternally with our Father in Heaven. Let us each have the resolve to follow this recipe with exactness and enjoy the outcome of eternal joy and happiness.