Tuesday, October 11, 2011

If ye are prepared... YE SHALL NOT FEAR!!!!

My companion came from a part of the world that it doesn't get particularly cold.  When she got here, thankfully we were old friends (literally, we were roommates in college) and I was able to be completely honest with her.  When she was unpacking I said, "Where's your coat?" 
She's responded, "It's right here!" And then she held up like a spring/fall jacket from American Eagle.  I looked at her and just started to laugh. 
I said, "Sister Green, that is not a coat.  You will freeze this winter.  You need to get a COAT and not a jacket."  She proceeded to tell me that this coat was very warm and it had worked for winters in St. George.  I explained that winters here were VERY different than any other winter she had ever experienced.  Thankfully she took the wise advise of one who has experienced a Montana winter, and let's just face it someone that is super smart :), and wrote home to her parents to please find and send a real coat.  So, also as she unpacked we discussed the need for boots and she wisely sent home for those as well.  While we were waiting for her to receive her winter attire we both worried that it may turn off cold and she would freeze.  Thankfully her parents came to the rescue and she received her needed winter gear.
This morning as my companion and I were leaving, Sister Green turned to me and said, "Ya know what!  I'm kind of excited for winter now that I'm prepared."  This statement hit me hard.  How true this is!  When we are prepared we don't fear!  The gospel gives us the tools to prepare to return to live with Heavenly Father (comparable to the winter coat and boots) and then we decide whether to use these tools and actually prepare to meet him again.  Will you be wearing your coat this winter?!

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